Operating under an approved AFSL licence the McMahon Osborne Financial Planning Group provides a range of solutions for your financial planning needs.
Our services include:
- Preparation of thorough financial plans tailored to your requirements
- Superannuation & Rollover assistance
- Advice on the purchase of managed funds,
shares & other investments - Existing portfolio reviews
- Amalgamation of superannuation funds
- Savings & Investment programs
- Life & TPD Insurance
- Income Protection Insurance
- Transition to retirement strategies
- Ready for retirement assessments
Together with our business partners, McMahon Osborne Group is also dedicated to servicing our clients' requirements in the areas of Risk and General Insurance. We can tailor an insurance program to protect your business assets and liabilities in the following areas, but not limited to: Business,Retail,Office, Industrial Special Risks, Farm Insurance, Viticulture, Public & Products Liability, Marine, Motor / Motor Fleets / Truck Fleets, Professional Indemnity/ Directors & Officers Liability, Contract Works, WorkCover.
Nobody likes to think about it, but it's inevitable that one day you will leave your business. Whether you decide to sell up, retire or have to get out of business due to health reasons, it's important that you plan for that day. A succession or exit plan outlines who will take over your business when you leave. A good succession plan enables a smooth transition with less likelihood of disruption to operations. By planning your exit well in advance you can maximise the value of your business and enable it to meet future needs. Our professional staff can work with you to ensure you have a strategy in place to create and achieve your succession plan.
Estate planning is more than just making a plan to distribute certain assets to certain people. A complete estate plan will allow you to retain control of your assets and to determine who will make decisions on your behalf should you become incapacitated in the future. Estate planning is an ongoing process and should be started as soon as one has any measurable asset base. As life progresses and goals shift, the estate plan should move to be in line with new goals. Lack of adequate estate planning can cause undue financial burdens to loved ones (estate taxes can run higher than 40%), so at the very least a will should be set up even if the taxable estate is not large. At McMahon Osborne Group we can help you map out your plan to ensure you have peace of mind.
1. Provide the Financial Services Guide and Agree Terms – the basis on which we will provide advice, including the provision of ongoing review services
2. Fact Find – obtain information on your situation, needs and objectives and determine your risk profile.
3. Research Solutions – using our skills and experience and drawing from our authorised services and products
4. Provide our Advice – in a ‘Statement of Advice’ together with any Product Disclosure Statements for any product we recommend
5. Obtain Your Instructions – to implement our advice to you and/or your alternative instructions
6. Implement the Advice – acting on your instruction to implement our recommendations
7. Review – annual (or by agreement more frequently) review of your situation
Please find listed below some websites you may find useful in relation to financial planning.
Association of Financial Advisers - https://www.afa.asn.au/
Financial Planning Association - http://fpa.asn.au/about-the-fpa/
Australian Securities Exchange - www.asx.com.au
Futuro - http://www.futuro.com.au/
These superannuation services are complemented by our financial planning team who can provide specific investment advice to ensure all your superannuation needs are met.
*McMahon Osborne Super Strategies Pty Ltd ACN 600547699 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR 124 1531) of SMSF Advisers Network Pty Ltd ABN 64155907681 (AFSL 430062)