Formerly McMahon Osborne Group
Well, it's fair to say that 2020 was a year like no other. It certainly will be one that I, will personally never forget.
The 2020 covid year impacted us in different ways and no doubt taught us some valuable lessons along the way. It was a serious challenge for many businesses, individuals and families who have faced financial hardship and loss.
Adversity and difficult times force us to grow, to build resilience and tap into our inner resources. We encourage you to reflect on your experience in 2020 with some positive learnings and take these learnings into 2021.
In relation to our office re-opening we are now open for business however we would still encourage our clients to send documentation via email if possible to ensure we limit the amount of people within our office environment. Our office is a covid safe workplace however we need to keep in line with the Governments Covid safe guidelines. You can continue to send your correspondence via email at or post your information to P.O Box 665, Sunbury 3429. If you are visiting our office we request that you download the Service Victoria App.
Services Victoria App on the App Store
Services Victoria App Google Play
While there continues to be no playbook for our current set of circumstances and the situation is changing daily, Sage Business Group will continue to live into our core purpose which is “to create lasting financial security WITH a balanced lifestyle through education”.
In order to live into that Core Purpose we will continue to provide information and updates regularly as the situation develops. To assist you we have developed our own Sage Dedicated Covid-19 Financial Resource Hub here.
We also encourage you, our clients, your family and friends to engage with our business on a multi channel basis which includes following us on Facebook and LinkedIn, subscribing to our YouTube Channel and our Blog plus subscribing to our email by completing the form as provided.
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to 2021 and hope that this year brings with it wonderful opportunities to enable you to have the financial future that you and your family deserve.
- Michael Osborne and the team from Sage Business Group
Subscribing to our newsletter involves receiving our monthly newsletter which has important dates and valuable information in regards to tax, superannuation, ATO updates and more that may apply to you. You may also receive urgent updates throughout the month which can include, for example, changes in legislation that you should be aware of ASAP.
Welcome to week 1 of our Hume Webinar Series of working ON your business not IN your business. We all talk about working ON your business but what does it really mean?
How do you start working ON your business?
Where do you start working ON your business?
When do you start working ON your business?
Watch more videos here
Welcome to week 2 of Working ON your business not IN your business Hume Webinar series.
In this session we lay two of the foundation blocks for building a solid and sustainable business.
See how the Clarity Plan lines up with the shareholder hat and the Strategic Business Plan lines up with the director hat.
Welcome to Week 3 of our Working ON your business not IN your business Hume Webinar Series.
In this session we provide a practical plan to building your own cash forecast, this creates an increase in your knowledge to give you the ability to make better decisions and not come from a place of fear.
Welcome to week 4 of our Working ON your business not IN your business Hume Webinar Series.
A big focus for business is structure and organisational charts. From the smallest business through to the largest more often than not it's blurred lines that cause challenges and conflict.
Welcome to week 5 of our Working On your business not IN your business Hume Webinar series.
This week we work through KPI's and Critical Drivers that can make the biggest impact on your business performance, profitability and value.
Welcome to week 6 and the final week in our Working On your business not IN your business Hume Webinar series.
This week you will see the importance of linking all of our learning's over the past 6 weeks together. We will show you how the process of having SYSTEMS in your business will ensure that anyone in your business can replicate an outcome at the highest standard, at anytime, in the easiest and quickest way consistently. And we bring it home with showing you how to protect your most important asset - your family.
We practice what we teach
We tell it how it is with respect
We do whatever it takes
We care and consider for all stakeholders
We have a burning desire for excellence
We do the right thing, even when no one is watching.