Every business has been impacted to some extent by the Covid-19 pandemic.
What's important is how you will recovery from this crisis.
Business Recovery Planning
Why we developed this service.
Every business has been impacted to some extent by the Covid-19 pandemic. We want to ensure all our clients' businesses recover from the pandemic as strongly as possible.
- Do you want certainty about your new minimum weekly viable sales level to survive?
- Do you want to combine your expertise with ours to maximise opportunities and minimise vulnerabilities and risks?
- Would you like to reduce the cashflow strain on your business?
- Do you want clarity on the support and finance needed for your business at this challenging time?
A Business Recovery Planning session requires you to reconsider all aspects of your business to ensure its best chance of recovery. We'll work with you to develop a concise Business Recovery Plan and clarify the future direction of your business.
We'll help you revise your personal and business's budget, maximise support entitlements, set goals for each department, apply for bank finance (if needed) and ensure you feel supported throughout this recovery period
Who should have a Business Recovery Planning Session?
All businesses should plan their recovery from this crisis. It's crucial to review your business's initial response and assess the true impact so you can identify risks, strategies to mitigate them, and potential opportunities.
If you, as a business owner, is not sure how to lead your team beyond Covid-19 and want to learn what the most successful business owners are doing NOW, then join "Hume Business Leader of the Year' Michael Osborne and Co-Director of Sage Business Group Tim McCarthy for a special webinar on leading your team on the road to recovery.
What is involved?
We have three options available. The Business Recovery Planning session will be held online.
1. Business Recovery Planning. We'll help you to develop your Business Recovery Plan, identifying your biggest risks and opportunities, setting clear goals and actions and consolidating what needs to be done into a concise plan. You'll complete pre-work prior to the session, allowing for an in-depth operational review.
2. Business Recovery Planning and Finance Application. As well as creating a concise Business Recovery Plan, we'll complete your 12-month Cashflow Forecast, prepare your finance application and submit this to your financier.
3. Complimentary Business Recovery Review. If you don't need the full plan, you can complete a Business Recovery Action List to clarify the actions you need to take in each department to give your business the best chance to recover. We'll follow this up with a 15 minute review to ensure you've got everything covered.
Benefits of our Business Recovery Planning service
- Combine your expertise with ours to make the best possible plan at this critical time
- Understand the full impact the Covid-19 crisis has had on your business
- Identify risks and the strategies available to mitigate these risks
- Identify areas to reduce personal spending to minimise the pressure on your business to provide income
- Analyse your budget and cashflow and set realistic targets to maximise cashflow and profitability
- Gain certainty about your new minimum viable sales level
- Understand government support entitlements and new finance needed to strengthen your position
- Establish a plan that maximises opportunities and addresses your most critical challenges
- Identify goals for each of your departments to maximise efficiency and outcomes
- Prioritise key goals and opportunities to maximise your recovery
- Set timeframes and accountability for achieving goals
- Give your business the best chance of recovery
- Develop a framework from which to monitor and measure your business recovery