We provide a range of solutions for your financial planning needs.
Together with our business partners, Sage Business Group is dedicated to servicing our clients' requirements, by providing a range of solutions for your financial planning needs.
We offer integrated Management specialising in the following areas;
- Direct International - We have the ability to buy stocks in any stock exchange in the world. Our clients currently hold Google, Apple and Facebook in their portfolios
- Direct Bonds - We can provide clients with low risk high yielding securities as an alternative to term deposits. This is done via the over the counter market using direct corporate bonds. Examples include Sydney Airport and Royal Womens Hospital.
- Individual Portfolio Management - Every client at Sage Business Group owns the underlying securities we buy in their own name. This can be via an SMSF, Company or Trust. It is like their own electronic brief case. They can view it anytime and they can take it with them anywhere. Each client's securities has their own cost base.
- In house Investment Team - At Sage Business Group we have our own in house investment team. This gives us the ability to speak directly with Portfolio Managers, who make the decisions. In house capability also offers advantage that it is solely focused on meeting the clients needs. It increases flexibility to grasp opportunities as they arise, or perhaps to invest with a longer time horizon.
- Managed Discretionary Account - Sage Business Groups uses a Managed Discretionary Account to manage money. The MDA gives us the ability to act quickly, execute for investors at the same time and take the pressure of any decision away from investors.