Dedicated Business Improvement Program
With uncertainty around business as we know it, and the need to adapt, many clients and business owners have been asking a range of questions about business beyond 2021.
The topics include marketing, managing finances, technology changes, implementing new systems, etc – the list goes on. The January Sensis Business Index found that 39% of small businesses say the loss of Job Keeper will have a major impact on their viability.
At Sage Business Group we know from our own experience, and the experience of clients, that there is no “one size fits all” answer or magic potion to solve all problems. With this in mind we’ve taken our learning and prior knowledge to create a 15 month business improvement program titled “My Business for the Next 5 years”. Why 15 months? Why 5 years?
Let’s start with why 5 years?
Remember Vision 2020 around the turn of the century – we thought robots would we walking the streets, hoverboards doing the rounds and no one had even heard of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook back then. For most of us 5 years is a practical time horizon to make real and impactful change that we can see but not so far as to have wild dreams and visions of the changing world. There are visionaries such as Elon Musk & Steve Jobs who have concepts that go beyond our wildest expectations but for most business owners 5 years is tangible and real to implement. For lasting financial security the leading edge and early majority is place to reap financial rewards, the bleeding edge is a whole different realm.
Why 15 months?
Sustainable success takes time. For most “overnight success” there is a backstory of years of hard work, knocks, dedication and commitment. 15 months provides long enough to implement new systems, embed new technologies, establish new patterns and behaviours. Zero to Hero will often burn down as quick as it lights up – we don’t want our clients to be Zero to Hero. Our Core Purpose says “lasting financial security WITH a balanced lifestyle” for a reason.
Who is this program for?
- Business Owners who want to improve their business (if your business is already perfect this is not for you)
- Business Owners who are keen to increase the value of their business (there is a formula and we will teach that as part of the program)
- Business Owners who want to have better Return on Investment from the time & money they invest to their business
- Business Owners who are committed (there is a direct correlation between success and commitment)
To determine if this course is for you take our business test and see how you score
If this is you and you would like to learn more about how the program can be designed specifically for you and your business please contact lynda@sagegroup.com.au